Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Venue for Cats

I'm beginning to realize that not all share my fondness for cat stories.

No one has said a word--all ten of my readers have been very gracious in putting up with entries about how Bix did this and Sophie did this, and how ADORABLE they were...

Well, fear not, dearest readers, I'm separating them out--should you not want to follow anymore cat stories without saying so directly, this is your chance.

That being said, I had some adorable pictures of Sophie in the bathroom sink, but they've gone missing from my camera...Double damn!!


  1. Awesome, G. I look forward to reading about the kitty antics. I do LOVE animals and all the entertainment and love they have to offer. Heck I even am becoming quite fond of our new goldfish, Tom. Did I tell you about Tom?
